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Energy and Horses

Reiki I: $250

Description: Reiki I focuses on introducing you to the history of Reiki.  The awareness of energy in everything around you and receiving attunements to activate the Reiki energy within you. 

Reiki II: $375

Description: Reiki II focuses on receiving the three Reiki symbols, and how to perform long distance Reiki. You will also receive further attunements to the Reiki energy and after completing and turning in your coursework you will be a Reiki Practioner.


Access Bars: $440
Repeat at any time: $220

Description:  Access Bars is the process of releasing electromagnetic charge or polarity of thoughts, feelings, emotions, ideas, beliefs, considerations and decisions as it is stored in your brain. Letting go of limiting beliefs. By lightly touching 32 points on your head.


** New Class Coming Soon**
Horses and Energy

Energy and Horses

To Discuss Class Schedule:
Call or Text

Westminster, Colorado
Cell: 720-530-9393

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